Share your experiences!

Send in your reviews or share your experiences from services, products, restaurants, suppliers etc. Anything that can help others or even help the establishment.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Charities-why not have one for everything instead of them competing against each oher

Why not one charity organization instead of many competing with each other. Better if we could pay a sum and write to which area/cause we wish the money to be used in.

Unicef has shown 2 beautiful boys living on the streets in an African state in a commercial. This commercial has been shown numerous times. How much does that cost? All needs are as important when it comes to life or death - then maybe it makes more sense to gather all donations and expenses in one world wide organization and not compete against other organizations. Doing this thebusiness professional way would probably lower expenses which means more money to where it is needed. Since these organizations are non-profit then this should not be a problem.

There are some smaller organizations that have a much larger part of the donations going directly to where the money is needed. So it can be done - but they do not have commercials on prime time using the Christmas spirit.

I know people working within many organizations do an amazing job - even more reason for making sure that the cause gets the donation as effectively as possible.

Just a thought, sitting here going through my yearly donations. Out of every 100 I give - depending on which organization I give to, I have no idea how much gets to its proper destination. If I knew that X amount always went to the cause, since it was all one big organization with different focus areas, maybe I would give more.

Sats Majorstuen...maybe they don't want customers

Amazing. Entered Sats tonight at 21:35. Started obeyingly putting on the blue plastic things for your outdoor boots. It's -12 degreees out so we had a lot of layers on us. Before we were done finding 2 unused plastiv thingies for our boots and unfolding a few layers, the "grown-up" blond woman loudly proclaimed "We are closing in 15 minutes". We both looked at each other - "15 minutes?" She definitely did not want us in the building. "Yes" she answered, it is Christmas! OK I thought - Chrismas was last week lady, but OK.

I looked at her and said with a smile "But it is at Christmas we really need to work off the fat". No smile back. She answered "We have been open since 7 this morning" - as if that helped me - I work during the day. The point was, I smiled and tried my hardest to loosen up the mood, but this lady was not in the mood. "We are closing".

We started for the door, and not a word was said. No "goodbye", no "have a nice evening", no "was there anything else you needed". Amazing. Maybe we were 2 new customers wanting to sign up for a membership-sales must really be soaring, or maybe I had forgotten something in the changing room. No - "We are closing" was the message loud and clear. So we wandered out in the cold amazed at the attitude and service level.

OK - please close - I will not be visiting you again.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Peak Performane - Bogstad veien Oslo

Came in, having absolutely no idea what to get - complete blank! I needed a gift, not too pricy for a friend. The girl that saw me walk in, could apparently read minds.

She approached very carefully, asked if I was wondering what to get. She pinned me directly.

After 5 - 6 minutes, I was paying for a great gift, full return possibilities and in a short period my "problem" was solved. She put herself in my firends place and asked the correct questions. WOW!

Arlanda airport - again but this time terminal 2

Amazing - I thought the customer handling at terminal 5 was an exception but NOOOO, yesterday a new episode occurred.
Terminal 2, Taxfree, 2 people in line (otherwise almost emply store), no one at the cash register. 1 girl helping a customer, 1 girl packing up goods and 1 girl putting on mascara. She saw person number 1 in line, kept putting on mascara, saw person number 2 in line, kep putting on mascara (public mirror next to the make up shelves).
I had found some wonderful champagne with an even more wonderful price! I was number 3 in line.
The girl unpacking looked up and started for the cash register. NO! Screamed the mascara girl - I GOT IT! Great I thought, now maybe I can pay and get on my way.
Person number 1 in line...he got the most of her irritation and hurried off not even taking a plastic bag - we apparently disturbed her mascara party. Person number 2 looked around and decided to not buy anything and just left. I do not blame him.
With the champagne to that price, I could not afford not buying 3 bottles. So I took one step closer, both hands full of stuff and a bag between my feet.
"PASS" she screamed. Pass??? Should I pass. So I walked by her to the next empty register. "STOP" came out of her. "You pay HERE!"
I could not help myself - the game was on! I told her to make up her mind - either I pass or I stop. She answered that there were others in line and that if I wanted the champagne I needed to pay. "But you said PASS" I commented. I was told that if I had flown more often I would understand that PASS (in her screaming voice) meant boarding pass. Oh! Thank you for clearing that up for me, I answered. Idiot I thought.
I let all my stuff go, found my boarding pass and put it between the champagne bottles on the circular belt. She looked at me and told me that that was the wrong place and that I should always put the boarding pass on the counter.
I did as I was told. Then I had to pay but before paying I had to decided currency on the screen. I asked her what the rate was. She answered the price in SEK and NOK. Once again, I asked the currency rate. This was it - I was in trouble. "There are people in line behind you" she informed me. I looked behind me and the poor number 2 man stood smiling, enjoying the show. He knew exactly what was going on. Other than him, there was no one in sight. He just looked at meand said - "Take your time".
I decided to pay in SEK. Took my "PASS" and started to pack the champagne bottles. Poos number 2 man was next. This time he just smiled and said "here is my PASS".

Why is it that some just do not undertand service and what it means? The customer should never have to feel dictated to or screamed at - then there is something very wrong.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Park Lane - a crisp modern classic brand

It is refreshing to find a brand that understands and works with the relationship between trend, quality and price. Usually one component does not measure up. In this case, Park Lane covers all aspects in an impressive way. The men's collection fits every occasion. It is crisp, proper and makes you feel good, both to wear and to look at.

The details are emphasized in just the right places. The style bringing out the man makes for a very handsome result.

As if this was not enough, the staff handles all areas within the Park Lane process. They really know their customer; they sell through the right channels and have an effective and professional staff working towards a committed goal. The staff is loyal, know their trade and proud of their company - refreshing in this time and age and economic situation.

There is one problem…you can only buy it in Sweden.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Olivers & Co - Oslo - Excuse me for wanting my oils gift wrapped

Amazing...I have been there twice - once to look around for a healthy, tasty and different present.
It ended with me feeling in the way, not welcome. Regardless where in the store I was, I was in the way. The store was almost empty but there was woman seriously always having to be in control. After choosing 3 oils, tops for the bottles and cans and a fresh loaf of olive/dried tomato bread, I had to beg for a gift wrapped package to bring to my friend. This was a present. After paying, my oils were given to another younger girl to pack. She did a wonderful job and was happy and smiled. The end result looked beautiful. She even gave me a "buy XX oils and get something free card" and stamped it. OK I thought, this was OK, I can go back next time I need healthy oils and tasty bread.

As I was waiting for my package, the extra "service minded" woman was asked by a customer if the bread was as good as the sig said. The bread's sign said "The world's best tasting bread!". The "service minded woman" did not take the hint. Instead of saying "Oh yes, the sign is right, this is the world's best tasting bread" she actually said "it is actually OK tasting bread" which resulted in the customer saying "OK...I guess I can buy bread somewhere else". There I was, holding my own "world's best tasing bread". Why write a sign and then telling customers that the sign is actually telling you a lie? Hmmm, there is no way she "hears" herself.

Next time came 2 weeks later. This time I wanted the same "package". I went to the shelves, took my oils, tops to the cans and bottles and looked for the bread. Instead of being happy that I knew what I wanted and took no time from the people working there, I was told off by the same lady that I felt in the way of during my last visit. Boy was she crabby. She hung herself up om me not taking the first can on the shelf, but taking the one behind it. This time I wasn't given a beautiful wrapping, just a pastic bag with a bow, I wasn't smiled at and I definately was NOT entitled to more than one stamp on my so important stamp card. On top of it all, my dogs were not allowed to wait inside the door. This is an oil shop - not a restaurant and it was pouring outside.

On my way out I sang and smiled "Ha det" - no answer. So maybeit is true, as a customer remember to be careful asking for something outside box, that little extra that makes us customers feel welcome!

Monday, November 30, 2009

The problem with franchise owners-Karen Millen, Oslo

Karen Millen - either you like the feminine, colorful, curve loving designs or you don´t. It is that easy! Karen Millen personifies the feminine, strong willed woman with her daring island color combinations in cold climates. I love this store, I love the attentive personnel, I love the shoes and of course the matching bags. 5 out of 5!

One good thing with the chain is the fact that you should be able to exchange goods at any store in the chain. Well, this is where Karen Millen sometimes expects customers to know their internal organization.

I bought jeans in Stockholm, turned out they where not sewn as well as they should have been. Maybe problems with a chain growing the way Karen Millen has. No problem - I went to my home store where I have spent too much money already. I was honest, told them how, when and what. Instead of a smile, positive service and a new pair of jeans (I had only worn the jeans in the store and the tags were still on!) - I got a "No, you cannot get a new pair from us". I probably stood there with my mouth open since the girl behind the counter stared at me. What? But...but...but your policy is to exchange any goods anywhere with in the chain.

It turned out that within the chain was the secret - Oslo is a franchise and not owned by Karen Millen. In my past experience, if you are part of a franchise/chain, regardless, you comply to the overall rules for the store. But no, not here.

After leaving I realized - if I had said that they were a gift, there was no way you could see the jeans were bought in Stockholm. Hmmm.

I really do not think that was the thought from the Karen Millen organization. I think this has more to do with the owner of the Norwegian store. Service is service regardless. He/she could send these jeans back and get a refund - they were never used. But no - too much hassle for a customer who has spent at least 1 - 2 salaries within the walls. Ok - fine - all shopping is now done in Stockholm and Hamburg. The prices are the same so you are actually saving money ;-) depending on the exchange rate to the NOK.

Another downside is the fact that I would never recommend the Oslo store to anyone, eventhough I love the clothes.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Beths Beauty - giving all customers the very best within beauty!

Beths (the winner of  "Årets Dagspa" in the category Health and Beauty in 2008) is not the cheapest beauty center in Oslo, but definitely one of the most experienced with a competent and complete staff.
Beths Beauty is still owned by the founder Beth. Beth is everywhere, knows every bit of her business, products and staff. She is one of the most amazing women I have ever met. On top of owning 3 beauty centers, been in the business for almost 20 years, open 6 days a week, supplying customers with 13 skin care brands, 4 nail/hand brands, 2 pedicure brands, 4 hair brands and 3 make-up brands, she manages to be an expert on all her products, she is responsible for a staff of dermatologists, pedicure/manicurists, hair dressers, semi-permanent make-up experts, Botox/Restylane specialists/nurses and she still has time for family and friends. This is an amazing woman. The staff loves her – her rules are simple – make sure the customer is queen/king and always give your customer your best. She is hard when she has to be but always fair and honest. When she smiles her eyes light up – she has a heart on gold.

My first experience with Beths Beauty did not start well. I was at the Gabels gate location asking for a time to get my nails done. There were so many alternativesand names that I had never heard of and it made me feel uncertain. I think my insecurity came from me not reading the person at the counter correctly and maybe not understanding the Norwegian terms correctly. I felt stupid. But I did not give up! This beauty center was right next door – perfect location. Walked in a day later and made my appointment – more secure this time. I also explained the way I felt I was treated the day before. The staff reacted immediately and apologized. Thank god I went back!

The most booked treatments:
The facials with neck massages are amazing. I have had the pleasure of being treated by Marianne (Gabels gate). You feel like a new person – your face glows and your neck feels alive.
The pedicures, in my opinion, can be improved – the removing of old skin/calluses can be done better. Listening to the customer regarding nail length and style should be a priority not the “standard” way. Unfortunately this brings down the overall grade.
Most booked teatments – 4/5

The semi-permanent make-up is probably the best in Norway. Grethe, a woman in her own class, knows exactly what she is doing. She is clear in her communication, thorough, careful and can take one look at you and know exactly what is best. 6/5 - Yes a 6 out of 5!

The manicure/nails – if Beth herself is behind the equipment, you are probably in the hands of one of the best manicurists in Scandinavia. Beth even has acknowledgements from the US in this area – the country of acrylic nails. 6/5. Yes – again 6/5.

The “soft surgery” areas such as Restylane and Botox treatments are done by a registered nurse, who has over 7 years experience in the field. She was one of the first to use Restylane in Norway. You feel safe in her hands. She is thorough, very informative, professional and honest – she tells you straight out what you look like and what you can/cannot expect/do. 5/5

The products and product knowledge is comprehensive. The expertise is amazing. Of course Beths wishes to sell the products, but only if the product fits your needs. The expertise the personnel have is impressive. The personnel are trained from day one and continuously on. If there are any outstanding questions regarding a product, you don’t get to buy it! If it does not fit 100% to your needs – no sale! Beth seems to have chosen the right products. 5/5 in product knowledge and amount of brands.

The prices are what they are. Many would say expensive. I agree, some treatments are expensive compared to other centers in town. One reason for the prices, may be the products and the level of expertise. If you wish to enjoy more than one treatment during a day or session, the overall price can be quite high. Try communicating this, often this ends in everyone being happy. 4/5

The service is amazing and wonderfully professional. They will do everything they can to make sure your stay/treatment exceeds your expectations. Their knowledge makes you feel secure and if something does not meet your expectation, Beth really wants you to tell her! And then she fixes it and makes you feel good! 5/5

The hair dresser, hair removal and body treatments have not been tested so I cannot grade these.

34/35 – get the pedicures up to the same level as the rest of the treatments - then Beths delivers over and beyond expectations!
3 locations
The different centers give the same calm and professional impression but have all their own personality. This makes it easy to find your place at Beths.

Nils Juels gate is a store/center where you can book most treatments and touch all the products. The waiting area gives you a warm feeling and the coffee and piece of chocolate gives you a feeling of being welcome.

Gabels gate is a little smaller. It feels more like a club upstairs and is newly renovated with many nicely sized and beautifully designed treatments rooms downstairs.

Gabel Hus is the newest edition to Beths, staffs 3 and makes you feel calm, comfortable and luxurious! Mmmmmm

The myth that all these wonderful treatments are for women is definitely proven wrong – every time I visit Beths I meet many a man, waiting for their turn getting facials and pedicures. A wonderful gift to a loved one!

The best part of all this is the fact that if you are unsatisfied, Beths Beauty will do everything they can to make you satisfied. The customer is always prioritized, in a way you seldom find. And if you are lucky, you may even get a glimpse of celebrity or two or three.

Don’t forget to get your advent calendar – a Barbor calendar with 24 serums for under 600 NOK. Buying them separately would cost over 2500 NOK. This is the perfect gift for your wife, husband, mother, father, best friend. Don’t be fooled by the calendar look – it fits everyone. There is no one who doesn’t like opening one shutter a day, never knowing what surprise is waiting.

The home page gives you monthly tips and products with special prices.

Why not be proud of your princess?

It is amazing that a country where they are proud of being open minded and for equality, cannot be more proud of their young princess.
If Hegnar thinks she is full of shit, and also all that believe that there is something else around us (which apparently over 40% of Norwegians believe), then why help advertise her by mocking her in the press, online and on TV? Maybe he secretly admires a person who actually can handle all her roles, be successful within an alternative field, a woman and still be down to earth, but maybe that is too "Un-Hegnar" ;-) Maybe he wanted to marry into the royal family and he wasn't her knight in shining armour. Or maybe his website hits are falling so he needs something to pick it up - regardless of how tacky he is...

Why not be proud of a woman that advertises Norway in her design choices, her interest in Norwegian culture. A woman who actually supports new Norwegian trends as well as keeps the traditional Norwegian ways alive. She is a princess, woman, wife, mother, business minded and full of life! She even has rosy cheeks - the ultimate symbol of healthy Norwegian girls!

Hegnar...get with the times! Then again...getting too close to your inner self, would probably scare the shit out of you!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Lorry- – supposedly “the” place to eat your lutefisk… more like the mecca of nonchalant attitude and service.

This is a well established place bragging their 100 beer labels. It is situated where Hegdehaugsveien meets Parkveien, in the center of Oslo – next to the Royal Castle.

Simple lunch menu, daily dishes (not on Saturdays), large outside seating area (right in the middle if a very busy intersection…). Our visit this evening was a casual, after work meal.

It must really being going well for Lorry – the service was lousy and very nonchalant. The first impression of the bartender/waiter/host upstairs was “if you don’t like the table I point at – f__k off”… “Well excuse me for wanting to spend my money here” I thought.

I asked for a dry white wine – not chardonnay! Of course the waiter said (a notch better attitude compared to the bartender/waiter/host). Well the house wine is cool at least, no other comment needed. Ordered Caesars, fish soup and a hamburger – we were hungry! The food was served a little too quickly – it had to have been waiting under the heating lamp. I was amazed to be so obviously overseen by the waiter several times. It really felt like we were in his way.
After looking around I started to understand! We were sober and we were a private party – not a company…meaning we would not spend a humongous amount of money on booze and tips – therefore the service level. Lousy and very nonchalant.

Fish soup was not hot – more like having been out waiting for someone to order it. But the taste was OK and it actually had some canned shrimp and crawfish tails! The hamburger meat was moist but the French fries cold and raw inside and the salad was probably cut up a few days earlier – all the ends were brown and having seen this after half was eaten – YUCK! The Caesars salad was OK.

Another friend joined us after approx 1 hour – this time the waiter shone up and was smiling! Hmmm maybe he thought this was the man with the money. And this was a man! After our friend's meal, the waiter actually moved my friend's arm with a flick, to get at his napkin and utensils - the only thing missing was for the waiter to dry my friend's mouth and say “good boy – you ate your veggies”. Amazing – Lorry must really be doing well to be able to handle their customers in this fashion.

Of course we gave no tip – and the reaction from the waiter was very apparent ;-)
Let us hope that this was the second floor staff – not a fair insight in the true Lorry attitude.

Service: 0/5 –Making the customer feel stupid, apologetic for stepping inside – this they have mastered!
Food: 2/5 – 1 for the salad and 1 for the soup.
Drink: 0/5 – They have over 100 beer labels, but the house wine stinks and the glasses are chipped. When serving water the "Lorry" way – the majority lands in our lap.
Price: 1/5 – If the soup actually was served at soup temperature – then the soups was OK priced even though the fish was very shy.
Environment/Atmosphere: 2/5 – Typical “brown” interior. Plastic fantastic on the benches/booths and some of them actually try and push you downwards due to lack of stuffing. The stuffing in the booths was probably from the date of establishment. Good way to make the customer feel very small compared to the waiters.
Location: 3/5 – Very centrally located however, the outside eating area is actually right in the middle of a very busy intersection.
Age of guests in party: 40 - 45.

8/30 – at least they have room for improvement, but as long as the customers are drunk and the companies pay – why try.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Beef stew in the slow cooker - reciepe from a Swedish follower

  • Ox kött i stora tärningar
  • En burk skalade tomater
  • Lök (any kind, charlottlök är jättegott)
  • Buljongtärning
  • Friska saviablad (fr.trädgarden)
  • Friks rosmarin (fr.trädgarden)
  • Frisk timjan " (plantera olika pa balkongen. Jättegott och hälsosamt)

Vi skulle i stan sa den fick ta hand om sig själv. Först en timme HIGH därefter 3timmar pa den sista varm hallaren däreftr. lie High avsluta med LOW. JÄTTEGOTT, du anar inte. Konstigt nog var sasen ocksa ganska tjock
Rödvin om finnes, men först en kvart innan servering!

Story Hotel - nominated in 2 design categories!

Story Hotel -2 nominations in the design competition - European Hotel Design Awards

Get there before everyone else does!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Broker - Bogstadveien, Oslo - sloppy, burnt and not expecting feedback on take out

I've been to The Broker many times, always leaving wondering why there are so many customers and why I ate there. Probably because it is close and I am lazy. If you get the burger - OK - it is good, and the small potato boats are almost tasty - however they taste precooked. If you get the wok and ask for no mushrooms, you receive information that it comes with everything before they cook it but they can pick out the mushrooms by hand. Ouch – maybe not the right thing to say to a customer who is allergic to mushrooms.
I never tried the take out until yesterday. I have tried earlier calling them, but they choose not to answer. Business is probably going “too” well or they have no organization. But yesterday one burger and one enchilada was ordered after having to go there and order. Laziness at its best.
The burger - as expected - OK. The enchilada was burnt on one end and filled with a disgusting chicken/paprika mixture on the other. Underneath there was mostly bitter salad, a minute amount of guacamole, sour cream and salsa. Since the enchilada was divided into two pieces, the one over the salad was burnt, stone hard and black. The other piece was lying in the salsa and sour cream with too much filling – so this half was just soggy, falling apart, and tasting terrible. Seriously terrible!
So, there is no quality check on takeout food, and the in-house food seems to be put together more like fast food rather than enhancing the customer’s experience and taste buds.
During a previous visit we sat by a table that vibrated so hard that our beers made jumping jacks – we asked why the table vibrated and the waitress said that they did not know why it vibrated... Instead of NOT putting customers at the table, the waitress was irritated when we asked to move. How can they not know why a table salsas across the floor?

So how do they fill up the restaurant on a Sunday afternoon? So many “lazies” out there like me?
Never again!

Service: 1/5 – Training new waitresses seems to be a specialty. Their phone bill must not be paid.
Food: 1/5 – 1 for the burger.
Drink: 2/5 – Beer is beer. The serving glass is usually chipped.
Price: 1/5 – For the food you get – the prices are terrible, but as prices go and you accept the quality for what it is – the prices are still stiff.
Environment/Atmosphere: 2/5 – Typical interior, but it needs a refreshment. Plastic fantastic on the benches around the room and some of them actually try and push off the guest by bending forward. Makes sitting quite interesting. Good way to rotate the tables.
Location: 5/5 – this I will give them – location is good and the lack of competition just around the corner probably makes up for some of the turn up.

Age of guests in party: 40 - 45.

12/30 – fair enough.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cru vinbar og kjøkken - a second time around with the serious testers!

Well...second time around and the big boys are with us. This time we escalate the pressure!

Having changed my reservation 3 times in a week – I got a telephone call asking if we would prefer to sit downstairs at a larger table close to the fireplace. This would give all 7 of us more space. Wonderful I thought – I haven´t tested the downstairs.
Upon arrival with a wonderful blend of people – experienced people – we were seated downstairs at a table that could have taken at least 12 people. Hmmm OK let´s try this.
Our waiter – as always - smiling and happy. He asked about drinks before dinner – all is well. No menu board downstairs so I asked what was on the evening´s menu. In reply I received information that the chef has made a special menu for us according to our request. The thing was, I had made no request and it wasn´t possible to move the menu board from upstairs down to us. And telling everyone around the table about the different dishes was impossible due to the noise level. I love restaurants where this is the case since then people are relaxing and laughing enjoying their meal.
OK – quick decision – we´ll take the special menu – just a few adjustments and everyone was happy. In Oslo I have made aware that for parties over 6 people, the restaurant many times ”demand” that you preorder your food. This really irritats me since it feels like going on a field trip. It also makes me wonder if I am there for the restaurant or the right way around – the restaurant is there for me. At times, I have just cancelled the reservation. In Cru´s case, I decided to take this as a positive thing instead of a “keep it simple for the chef” thing. Let us hope this is the case.
All plates were amazing, the wine the waiter recommended fair in price and fitting to the food, the dessert consisting of apple in at least 4 different ways was a perfect ending to a wonderful meal. An amazing thing was the waiters silence running up and down the stairs. Every time a guest walked down (the WC was behind a wall downstairs), the room as filled with “bang bang bang bonk” as the shoes hit the stairs – but not with the waiters – once again they knew what they were doing.
So the old 28/30 still stands just with a difference of the missing 2 points! The reason this isn´t a 30/30 is the placement of this grand table downstairs – just under the stairway the “bank bang bang and bonk” was over our heads. Next to the grand table were shelves filled with V&B glasses and yes, a party member trying the be a gentleman, was able to bring down a few glasses when helping his lady on with a vest-and he was the sober one in the party this evening. Just the shelves being behind us were a theme during the dinner and made all a bit nervous when standing up.

Service: 5/5 - smiles, properly attentive, knew their business, and made the best out of a miss in information. Polite smiles when at least 5 glasses “fell “ off the shelf.
Food: 5/5 – filled with flavors (as expected) and with a perfect ending with the different apple mini dishes.
Drink: 5/5 - champagne is champagne and the house champagne is very good. The wines brought out and recommended by the waiter were fitting and priced right.
Price: 5/5 – 7 guests in the party, champagne, wine and 4 dishes 785 NOK/persons is a lot of money but for what you get - I am a happy camper :-)
Environment/Atmosphere: 3/5 – here the 2 points are lost - not the best seating due to the staircase being over our heads and the traffic to the WC next to us. But the restaurants atmosphere and design/fireplace does not have many other alternatives for larger parties if the upstairs is full. And there the lighting is a bit too bright for hiding wrinkles.
Location: 5/5 - perfect - down town but quiet - perfect combination. And of cource, around the corner from me.
Age of guests in party: 40 - 70.

28/30 is great!

Next visit - the champagne anniversary week starting from the 24th of November! Maybe we´ll see each other there!

Champagne anniversary at Cru vin & kjøkken!

24th of November - for one week, they are celebration the 1 year anniversary. Table booked before company is invited - that means I love the place!

However - let´s see if they can live up to the last 2 visits I´ve had. It has now become so popular that they need to plan 2 seatings - no more come when you like. This could be a good thing, but it takes away the "I have a gourmet kitchen as my around the corner place". Let us hope that this is a seasonal thing. If we need to make a reservation 2 weeks in advance in order to get a table, I may need to find another favorite place to rave about.

For Cru, I hope they can handle the success, still keeping to the wonderful service, taste and smiles!

Skål! Happy Anniversary!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is it called lying or cheating when 73% of all invoices do not have enough supporting documentation, the government knows of this and delays publication of the results?

The Norewegian sitting government made sure a devastating report was first made public after the election. I wonder why they timed this so well...

"Riksrevisjonen er kritisk til forvaltningen av Statens pensjonsfond - Utland, internkontrollen i NAV, Forsvarsbygg, store forsinkelser i nødnettprosjektet, Jernbaneverket og Statens Vegvesen. Dette er de kritiske rapportene regjeringen fikk utsatt til etter valget.
....Ved kontroll av drifts- og vedlikeholdsanskaffelser manglet tilfredsstillende dokumentasjon på 73 prosent av de kontrollerte fakturaene. "

Why is this called manupulation, lying or cheating in other countries, but when things like this happen in Norway - the person reacting is called the names.

It is amazing, if these results had been regarding anything else, heads would role, in other countries' citizens would demonstrate and of course the press would have a field day making sure that all citizens knew that their taxes could just as well have been used for fun and games at the nearby fair. Not to mention, we are already taxed 3 - 4 times on the same income. But in Norway, nothing happens.

Business as usual... Where is the opposition? Where is the peoples` voice? This is our money, so much and so badly managed, that it is difficult to grasp.

At NAV- one reason for the catastrophic handling of our a 31 year old computer system. Hmmm that must be the world`s most intelligent system since, in all other systems, it is the human input that gives the commands, not the other way around. Artificial intelligence at its best!
And of course we have the 'cheats' - you know the ones making sure to get as much money fron the state for their disability as possible. Wake up - if the government had control of their own processes, nobody could cheat. Some lucky people would actually even get their honest share - and not wait for over a year to receive what they have a right to receive. And it is always interesting to hear that it is the people applying for the money who cheat - the ones handling the money, handling the paper work - they never cheat - they just have a 31 year old computer system which makes all the mistakes.

But then again - this is Norway, and the Norwegians do things in their own special way. And very successfully.

Ut på tur - aldri sur! As long as it happens after the election and a computer system is to blame.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Story (Hotel) Stockholm, Sweden

Want to experience living just as hip as where you go to be seen? Then Story is the hotel for you.
Situated on Riddargatan 6, 150 meters from Stureplan, you can´t get anymore hip than that. The hotel´s name actually fits the place. Everything has a story behind it, everything has a function - from an antique wooden door as your headboard (with the mailslot intact) to the tacky porselin statues on all the tables.

On your bed you find a picture of a man with a blackeye...he is the one you complain to ;-) - humor - I like that.

The rooms are everything the home page shows. The bathrooms exciting, wonderful combinations of styles. All access is done by pin codes - but you have to make sure you have it with you...after a few drinks you could risk not getting into you room. Why...well there actually is no reception, you check in by logging in on one of the Macs in the hallway downstairs between the "bar" and the "kitchen". Of course, if you stand there long enough and look lost enough (the hallway is approx 10 sqm ;-), then the personnel will help you.

Three problems with the room I got. 1) The TV did not work since the cables were loose 2) the wrinkle showing light could not be turned on in the bathroom (maybe that was a good thing actually) and 3) there was no way you could open a window at night, the room being on the 2nd floor (3rd in Sweden), you heard absolutely everything going on outside all night including the secret love words between two people that were NOT married with each other.

The bar was empty except for water - if you wanted anything you just phoned down and ordered - it was then delivered to your room, cold and ready to drink or store in the small frig.

Bed was perfect, pillows OK, clean, fresh, cool and very "big city weekend" feel over it.

Breakfast was a let down. Small, very standard, no "piff" anywhere to be sen. Knowing that at night the "kitchen" reataurant is actually a hip place, I knew they knew how to put a "piff" in the presentation and contents - but no. But it is good for dieting. They did, however, have green tea...

Checking out was as simple as checking in - and you did NOT have to remember your 5 number pin code. A print out of your receipt was not available - this I missed, but I mailed them and within 2 minutes they sent me what I needed. Very good service! The personnel is there...just not visible ;-).

This was a pleasurable stay, I felt good there, the water in the shower was hot - no bathtub ;-( in my room.

Service: 5/5 - when i needed help I got it quickly. Smiles on everyone connected to the hotel (not the "Kitchen but that is a different review).

Food: 1/5 - Dissappointing breakfast and no presentation but there was a breakfast so I have to give 1 point.

Room: 4/5 - Since there were things that did not work, I cannot give 5/5 but it was close anyway. Next time, I will ask for a room away from the street on a higher level. With all my travelling experience - I should have seen that coming when booking - my fault. It was clean (even behind the TV!). I did not hear my neighbor´s TV, which could mean good sound proofing between rooms and the hallway. Good!

Location: 5/5 - Perfect! Just perfect!

Price: 3/5 - For a hotel, right in the middle of the world´s most beautiful city - the price is OK. For my room, a few 100 SEK less would be more fitting.

Atmosphere/decore/feeling: 5/5 - WOW - they got everything right. And the fun thing is, not all the decore and things are new - many things were older, used and just re-used in a wonderful way!

Score 23/30 - this number feels low - but it is the breakfast that brings it all down.

I recommend this hotel - an extra experience when experiencing beautiful Stockholm!

Whiter teeth for under 10 USD!

Source: .
I have not personnaly tried this but found the tip very interesting! (Speak frankly)

Exploiting The Recession: A Mom's Trick to Whiter Teeth
Cathy's discovery works wonders for consumers wanting whiter teeth without breaking the bank. Having yellow teeth is embarrassing, can deeply affect your personal life and, like it or not, your career as well. People are turned off (in both a professional and personal sense) by yellow teeth. For years dentists have capitalized on this fact by charging exorbitant prices of $500 or more for "professional" teeth whitening procedures--most of which involve special tooth whitening trays with carbamide peroxide, and/or whitening "pens," that can turn the yellowest of teeth white. Products like Crest Whitening strips are certainly less expensive options (these products seem to hover around the $50-$80 mark depending on the exact treatment), but from our experience they usually don't get the job done. For decades the reality has been simple: if you want white teeth, you have to be willing to spend some serious coin at the dentist. Cathy, a mom from Santa Cruz, California, recently discovered a clever way of combining two different teeth whitening offers from two different companies--Dazzle Smile and Clean Whites--to get one full "super" whitening, comparable to what you might attain at a local dentist for $400 or more, using nothing but trial offers and paying just a few dollars in shipping charges.

How does the trick work? Basically, the idea is to combine the two different products to get one full strength whitening using just the trials.

The coupon codes reduce shipping costs to under $3 total ($1.97 for the first, $0.97 for the second, as of 09/12/2009):
Step 1: Click here for Dazzle Smile (Use Promo Code: bedazzled)
Step 2: Click here for Clean Whites (Use Promo Code: save)

Cathy's story and more - read more on the source link.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Restaurant Riche, Stockholm, Sweden - living off it's name is dangerous

Riche - wow, full of people, Tuesday evening, expectations high. High "be seen" factor...maybe not on Tuesdays.

Table for two - yes, in approx. 15 minutes. Smiling host, I felt welcome and I was starving. One glass och champagne and one glass of water. Water was served in a whiskey glas without ice, lemon, flare. Just tap water. The champagne was champagne. The bar housed many wandering eyes, many longing eyes. Reminded me of the bar at Sturehof, 150 meters up at Stureplan.

Table ready - YES! FOOD! 2 starters, 2 main courses. Smiling waitress. This will be good. 30 minutes later the starters came in. It is good that a starter is called a starter since this was more of an appetite teaser.

An interesting variation of guests, from "la familia" of 30 men and 2 women along the back wall to business men showing off their new toys. Most younger men were in the bar, most younger women were eating with older men.

Where was the main course? We asked and asked. One hour later the main course came in. My wine had been served 2 minutes after my second champagne glas. Maybe it was a new way of airing the wine at the table.

I had chosen the entrecote - the most expensive meat dish. Looking around, I guess I made the wrong choice - most women were eating the salmon sallad. My meat was very rare as I had asked for, however it had probably been sitting out waiting to be served at the appropriate time after the starter.The meat was cold, the sauce had skin on it. Meat I can eat cold, but not fat. It was late now, so there was no reason to ask for a new dish - waiting another hour for another cold piece of meat did not fit well - I was starving. My guest' s dish, a traditional Riche hamburger with bacon, had boiled bacon, cold meat and after that I did not want to know more.

After putting down my knife and fork, the waitress was quick to clear the table. No smile this time, just efficiency.

Except for the food not living up to the expectations, I cannot really understand the hip factor. The lighting at the bar (integrated in the restaurant) was far too light. All my wrinkles were clearing showing. Regardless, during my dinner, a handsome younger man had made an effort to catch my eye. He liftet his glas and "skålade" with me across the room. Now I get it! This is the hip seeking bar - not a hip bar.

It was fun having been there, but next time, staying in the bar area, checking out the dishes standing at the bar after a hard day of shopping, will probably live more up to my expectations.

Service: 2/5 - until the waitress understood we were not extravangant eater and drinkers, the service was very good. After that, we were not interesting. Just me understanding this, shows how obvious this was. The host had charm, thus 2/5 can be given.
Food: 1/5 - nothing special, cold, long waiting time. If you want something else than a ready made sallad, do not go here starving.
Drinks: 2/5 - The champagne was champagne but serving a wet glas of tap water to my guest was degrading. Airing the wine (Côtes du Rhône) at the table was a new twist and serving it in no logical order.
Price: 1/5 - For what you got...terrible.
Environment/Atmosphere: 2/5 -  The lighting too bright. Felt a little like Sturehof in style, a look-a-like. The facilities were not clean, smelly and this was early on in the evening. If you cannot keep them clean on a Tuesday, how does the kitchen look?
Location: 5/5 - Situated in the Stureplan area, you are where it happens.Close to everything, perfect for taking a drink after hard core shopping.

Ages of guests in party: 40 - 45 but the rest of the guests between 25 - 70.

13/30 points.

Customer service, Taxfree, Terminal 5, Arlanda Airport, Stockholm, Sweden

Many times, a large chunk of your travel start budget is sucked out of your wallet by the time you have walked through the taxfree of your outbound airport. If you are really smart, you tell yourself "I will buy what I need in taxfree on my way home - less to carry". But no...usually things happen from when your have your thought (often waiting in the security line) to the taxfree shop.

This time I almost managed holding myself to this thought. I "only" got the necessities on the way out...and would get the heavy things on my way home. This actually translates to - double the amount spent at the local taxfree.

On my way through the Arlanda Airport, Terminal 5, brand new and gigantic taxfree, I was surprised. People allergic to scents, people trying desperately to stop smoking or loose weight, thirsty people, really have a challenge here. Everyone checking in at desks 71 - 90 with SAS, must walk through at least the cigarette, alcohol and part of the perfume/makeup area and cut hard to the left (through the candy department) in order to get out of the taxfree store on one piece. This can be a devastating and very expensive experience. I think I saw at least a few travellers “lost in the taxfree zone”. Poor souls. Usually airports have alternative ways around the taxfree area. But not here.

Well, again fully clothed after the security check, belt in place, shoes on feet, PC in bag and all liquids put back in place, it was now time to get the “heavy stuff”. Cigarettes to a colleague (check), deodorant for the husband (alternative brand check) – they are always “soon receiving a shipment for just the type I want” – this shipment has taken a few years now. I should know better than to ask actually since the deodorant doesn`t even have a place anymore on the shelf. A sucker for bargains, I stroll over to the 3 for 2 alcohol area…not too heavy, I am already struggling with what I have and my shoes are too high to walk with any more real weight. Slowly moving down to the 3 for 2 perfume area, I pass the candy racks. Here too they have 3 for 2 Haribo winegums. Dangerous. Oh well, we are in the testing phase of our development process, and we always have testing goodies within the team, so why not. 3 kgs later (but actually for the price of 2!) I stand in line to pay. I realize that I could have had 2 bottles of alcohol for the same weight and approx. the same amount of calories…no comment.

During my trip down taxfree lane, I was approached 2 times by beautiful perfumed girls asking if I needed help in a certain area. Since most of these girls were more interested in gossiping among themselves, looking up every now and then to see if a customers was getting too close, I politely said “I wouldn`t want to disturb you ;-)”. Honestly…this did not help the service level I got.

At the cash register, a woman, my age was holding here credit card waiting for the credit card machine to show the correct sum in the window before swiping in through and accepting the charges. She had been quietly waiting for some time. Nothing happened. The girl at the register sat with her head lowered and picked her nails behind a divider. Finally she looked up and snorted “ what are YOU waiting for”. The woman and myself jumped backwards. Oups bad hair day or something I thought. No she was too young, probably just irritated that we actually wanted to pay for “the heavy stuff”. The woman answered, “I am waiting for the sum, so I know what I am paying before I accept the charges”. The girls answer…you will not believe this…”if you can’t count, you shouldn’t be buying”. When spoken to that way, out of the blue (it turns out that the girl hasn’t finished the sale and pressed credit card payment), you are at a loss for words. This poor woman, paid here “heavy stuff” and actually said she was sorry for taking so long before she packed her stuff. She did ask if there were any plastic bags, and the girl pointed.

I was next. I had now had time to figure out the best way to make my shopping experience as good as it could get, for me at least. I had time ;-) I started by smiling big and asking what I should do to be able to pay, in English. She looked at me as if I were an alien. I played the part well. She answered “boarding card”. “Oh so I pay with my boarding card – OK, here it is”, handing over my boarding card from my previous flight. She tried scanning the barcode, over and over again. I commented, “I am in a hurry, that flight left 36 hours ago”…she kept scanning. Finally an alert hit her brain cells. She looked at me, and said “this doesn’t work”. She handed the pass back to me. Now I really had trouble controlling my face. “Oh really”. She now asked me to get in another cashier line and try there since she did not have the time for this. There was no one behind me. Is this girl stupid or just so lazy and bored that she can’t even be bothered to listen to the customer or even look at the boarding card. The system had obviously stated this boarding card was not active, but she didn’t even look at the text. This I had to keep testing. I now told her “Nein”. Without any recognition that I had changed my language, she just said “eh”. Now she was very irritated. I just smiled still having all my taxfree items in my cart, waving my correct boarding pass. Since she was more interested in looking behind the divider than letting me pay, I asked her in German if I could help her with something behind the the divider. Now she just waved my away. It was now time to pin her.

I smiled, put all my items on the register, put my boarding card on the items, and asked in Swedish, if I could see here manager. I had seen that the man in the cash register next to us was beginning to react on our situation, but his line of customers was too long. Now I escalated my tone, looked around, waved my hands. “Help, may I have some help here?” Another taxfree lady appeared. Asked if she could be of assistance. In English, I told her clearly what I had witnessed with the previous customer and how I had been serviced/not serviced/attitude. I told her honestly that I had tested this girl, and asked if this was the way to treat customers, regardless if they fly through Arlanda again or not. The woman now asked the girl what had happened…she answered “this woman lies, I tried helping her, but she refused to pay”. I now changed English to Swedish and commented “if that was the case, why is nothing registered in the cash register?”. Suddenly the previous customer appeared. She had been watching us from a distance. This time she was very clear and did not apologize.

The result – I got to pay, was discounted the candy, the girl was asked to wait in the coffee room and I was bought a cup of coffee by my new friend.

I could not help myself – I know this was a bit mean, but maybe she will respect the customer a little bit more in the future. She will not get fired, no one does in Sweden.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Credit card payment fees - service at it´s best! Forced to pay for being able to pay.

It is amazing that some companies, who only allow credit card payments, also take a specific credit card payment fee when you pay. Which apparently is not allowed in Norway...

Airlines are a few of these companies who add a surcharge. Why not just add the price to the ticket and avoid customer irritation and playing with the rules? All other costs should be included in the ticket price? Or not...then the single ticket fee may not be as appealing if all costs were included?

Unfortunately we probably have more of this to come short term, when SEPA is enforced, since the sellers costs must become more transparent, of course he then too wishes to push the costs on to the buyer. But the good news is that payment methods such as direct payments willl be used together with or instead of creditcards in the future. Direct payment is the SEPA way, and this payment method is free of charge. The local account-to-account payment method will be demanded more by buyers. :-)

The fee paid to the PSP is not the main cost for the seller it is the the acquirer that usually takes the big part. The acquirer is usually a bank - so the banks get paid by the seller and by you  your VISA/Mastercard yearly fee. As always - the banks win - just like taxes - take before, during and after.
Service at it´s best...again!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Kaplans Auktioner, Stockholm - Why pay over the counter prices for jewelry - a diamond is a diamond regardless of age.

At Kaplans Auktioner, situated in the center of Stockholm, on Bilbioteksgatan 5, you find almost every form of jewelry and watches available on the market. And the best part - it is cheaper than all other jewelry stores!

Kaplans Auktioner arranges around 100 public auctions per year and also offers objects for sale over-the-counter. All objects that can be bought from Kaplans Auktioner AB are sold on a commission basis on behalf of various clients, in the name of Kaplans Auktioner AB, unless otherwise stated.
Once getting over the fact that a diamond is a diamond regardless of how many previous owners it has had, then the fun can start. And bidding on a live or an online auction is very exciting!
Kaplans also sells new jewelry and watches on commission but that isn´t as much fun – bargains are fun!
New for this year are the "fashionable" auctions, filled with brand name scarves, handbags, shoes and other goodies.
Another good service is the appraisal service – when buying an item, you can ask for an appraisal of the item for insurance purposes.

After more than 11 years using Kaplans Auktioner, I am still excited about the site and impressed over the way things are run. Why pay full price on something that never dies out?

Some useful hints:
• The watch appraisers know their stuff and at least one of them, helps out in the “shop”.
• The jewelry appraisers will usually not appraise many items at a time – this is a little irritating if you are coming from abroad and do not wish to leave the goods at Kaplans, in case the appraisal is too low for you wanting to sell. Even calling in advance for a meeting does not help. Not good!
• Getting things appraised during lunch (11:30 – 13:30) is not a good idea.
• Auction showings are two days before the auction. You can alwyas phone in and ask for more information regarding an item. However, the pawn auction items cannot be looked at prior to these two days, since the goods may not have been delivered to Kaplans by then.
• If you need to follow-up on an item sold on the pawn auctions, Kaplans cannot help you, since the pawn shop is in charge of appraisals and information – you need to visit the pawn shop directly. Irritating but understandable!
• What is not sold on an auction, is left to be sold in the “store” for the asking auction price (called first offer) plus 18%.
• Some of the women in the “shop” are not experts in stones or pearls. If you are looking for something very particular, get a hold of one of the jewelers in house. This is good to keep in mind if you call in to find out more about an item.
• Kaplans always answers email correspondence.
• Kaplans cut on items sold on the auction – hammer price -20%.
• Kaplans cut on the items bought on the auction – hammer price +18%.
• Kaplans cut on items sold after the auction in the “store”– lowest bid price (reserve) -20%, and first offer price (estimated price) plus 18%. Therefore you can expect service!

Kaplans Auktioner AB, Biblioteksgatan 5, 111 46 Stockholm, Sweden.

Alternative Christman Dinner at Cru Vin & Kjøkken

Exciting Christmas dinner at Cru Vin & Kjøkken.
Instead of the traditional Christmas dinner/plate, they will be serving Christmas dinner with the season`s ingredients and wines in all price ranges.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cafe Sorgenfri on a Thursday in Oslo

Cafe Sorgenfri is where you get your Danish (as Danish as you can get abroad) "smørbrød" and a mean wienerschnitzel (when it isn\t too cooked and dry). Many a "wet" lunch have I experienced there.

Thursday afternoon - plans were to go to the French Embassy´s Languedoc wine testing. Fees paid but we were not "there" mentally. In the taxi - Cafe Sorgenfri was a great place to start - see if the menu tickled any taste buds. Most spur-of-the moment evenings usually end up over all expectations.

With no reservations in hand and only 2 requests - keep warm and by a window - we got the best seat in the house. I saw that they actually listened to my requests! Since most parties on a Thursday in Oslo are company dinners, one 4 seated booth by the the window was available. Lucky us. Next to us, 2 tables with very "happy"  working men. Perfect place for two women to enjoy a wonderful bottle of champagnge, according to the outside menu - a delicious wild boar and speak freely.

As always the service was well adjusted to the atmosphere. We felt welcome. Starting out with my favorite champagne helped the feeling of welcome.

We ordered 3 out of the day´s 5 dishes. Starting with a lobster starter, wild boar for the main course and tarte tartin with ice cream for dessert/cheese plate for my girlfriend.

The lobster, citrus, salty sallad starter was exquisite! The sweet, sour, salty mixture melted together with the juicy, but extremely minut pieces of lobster. At the time I thought the lobster dish as very small, but maybe that was because the taste was so extreme that eating more may over do it...come on! This is LOBSTER - you can never have too much lobster. The starter could have been a size or two bigger. But with the champagne and the short moments the lobster mixture was on our lips, we were in heaven.

Wild boar - I have not had that since my hunting days in southern Sweden. The dish looked lovely. The potatoe puré was served inbetween a sliced warm turnip. A hint of a wonderful taste but the salt was missing - even when dipping it into the sauce served on the piece of boar. My meat was well done - really well done. My girlfiend´s was less well done, so we switched. My recollection of wild boar did not match this piece of light meat. I remember a more juicy, whole cooked boar, which had been roasting over a large fire on the hunting grounds. This was instead a peice of cooked oversized pork. But - the sauce saved the dish. It helped me chew the meat. Oh well - we still hade champagne and conversation!

Dessert and cheese - I had the tarte tatin - an upside-down apple tart in which the apples are caramelized in butter and sugar before the tart is baked with ice cream. Usually not what I order but it was one of the 5 dishes on the menu. I had probably taken my time chewing the meat since my ice cream was more of a creamy sauce. No problems - the taste is still there and eveyone knows that cooked or frozen calories do not count as calories ;-). Since I did not have the cheese I will only tell you about the cheese. The thinly sliced sweet/sour apple was delicious, a hint of caramel entered my mouth. The vanilla "sauce" was a bit hard to get on the spoon, but was amazing tot he apple.

Still champagne left! No coffee.

Service: 5/5 - appropiately attentive, patient (previous experience with a wilder croud has proven that many times before), if we had complained on the main course, we would probably have receieved an alternative, but we did not - our overall setting was too good, 2 girls, champagne and food - made for a successful dinner.
Food: 2/5 - Few things out of this world, some things not so good, all portions small, no bread prior to meal was served.
Drinks: 5/5 - The champagne had the correct temperature, tasted the way it was expected to and was served when needed.
Price: 2/5 - A 3 course meal downtown Oslo is approx 395 - 695 so Cafe Sorgenfri is on the lower end of the scale, however since the servings were very small and you had no chance to "fill up" on extra bread, I think it was a little pricy for what you got - however, not for downtown Oslo.
Environment/Atmosphere: 5/5 - Aker Brygge, the interior with all it´s trimmings is part of the experience. This time the artifacts actually looked more dusted in the ceiling - may it was the champagne that helped. You do feel that you could be in Denmark, with Norwegian/Sweedish personnel and Norweigian prices and climate.
Location: 5/5 - perfect side of Aker Brygger for dinner - walking distance to almost everything. Pricely parking if you bring your car.
Ages of guests in party: 40 - 45 but the rest of the guests this evening looked older of course.

24/30 points.

Add a little to the servings and everything gets better.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tunafish salad - tasty, juicy and a treat for the whole family

This tunafish salad is great for all types of bread. Takes approx 10 minutes.

2 tins canned tunafish - make sure it is Dolphin Safe Tuna!
Hellmans mayo - amount depends on your taste
1/2 - 1 onion - red or yellow depending in your taste
1 dl small green peas
Freshly ground black pepper
Choice of salad leaves
1 - 2 tomatoes
Bread of your choice - remember the bread is only there to make it easier for you to eat the tunafish!

Mix finely chopped onion and tunafish into a mixture. Add majo and taste. Carefully mix in the peas - make sure they do not get mushed! Add black ground pepper to taste.

Put the salad leaves of your choice on the bread, place sliced tomatoe on the leaves. Add the tunafish salad, add some ground pepper on top and serve!

Simple crab salad for snacks, fingerfood or sandwiches

This crab salad mixture is great for toppings on crackers as fingerfood or on sandwiches for those who want more of the good stuff! Takes approx 15 minutes.

White crab meat - preferably fresh
Hellmans mayo - amount depends on your taste and what the salad should be used for
Cayenne pepper - depends on taste - the salad should have a little "hint"
Shallots - 1 - 2 depending on amount of salad
Lime - 2 - 3 pressed limes per 2 crabs of white meat
Lemon for the finished mixture

Keep the claws as decoration or put them on the plate of the real crab lover.

1 - Mix Hellmans, cayenne pepper, finely chopped shallots and lime. Taste. Leave for 10 minutes - still need more cayenne or lime?
2 - Add crab meat and taste.

Fingerfood - crab mixture should be creamy/well mixed
Place the crab meat on small neutral crackers with a piece of cut lemon/lime meat on top. Alternate with lemon and lime topping to create an effect.

Sandwiches - crab mixture should be more coarse with pieces of crab still whole and less Hellmans
Add small pieces of lemon meat to the mixture. Place the mixture on neutral and soft bread. The crab mixture is the main ingredient - the bread just makes it easier to eat :-)


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oslo´s oldest fish shop - Georg A. Nilsen

Around the corner from Bogstadveien, on Schultz gate, you will find a wonderful small fish shop. Don´t let it´s size fool you! The seafood paté takes your breath away! It melts in your mouth!

Established in 1901, the 4th generation Nilsson still runs it with a companion. They really know their fish and make it sound so easy when you ask what they recommend for dinner.

Evert Friday, there a cues of cars and people waiting to get their Friday goodies. Salt water crawfish, salmon, crabs, lobster, all types of fish, fish cakes, salmon tatar, salads - you name it - the viewing window in it´s self is a treat. They also stock game.

The service is outstanding, but make sure you get their on time, they do close almost on the dot 17:00

Nilsen Georg A, Bogstadveien 39 inng Schultzgt., 0366 Oslo, 22 46 50 16

Etoile Bar, Grand Hotell, Oslo

Etoile Bar - a bar with a view!

Their slogan on their home page is "Welcome to Etoile - informal and trendy" - a very correct discription.

Been there a few times now, during the afternoon after work and at night. The perfect place for seeing firework shows, hearing street musicians from Karl Johan, enjoying the sun disappear behind the high surrounding buildings, studying the neon advertisement signs on the roof tops, and sitting with tourists, professionals and some trendies.

After shopping, work, drink with friends or colleagues - nice place, relaxed but a bit pricy.
After dinner, drink with your date - you are able to sneak a kiss by the tables outside, lighted by all the neon advertisement signs.
Night cap - be careful of the stairs down to the fall and you won´t go back up.

Atmosphere nice, black and red, large windows, wonderful view of Karl Johan and the town hall.  

You have to order your drinks at the bar yourself - a minus in my book. Does not fit the rest of Grand Hotells service level. Drinks are small, very icy and pricy, and on a slow night, the bubbles in the champagne are just as slow.

Before midnight your shoes stick to the floor and the toilets really smell bad. A complete turn off.

Service: 2/5 - What service - this is self service. But the young batrtender from Sweden smiles and has a sence of humor.
Drinks: 2/5 - small, ice and pricy.
Environment/Atmosphere: 3/5 - since they have outside seating, more shoud be done to allow guests to sit on soft cushions and keep warm.
Prices: 1/5 - for what you get, the drinks are very pricy.
Location: 5/5 - perfect - down town - and a nice place to show off Oslo with.
Age of guests in party: 35 - 45.

13/25 points.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hard Rock, Oslo

Prior to leaving - thought:
Every time we´ve been there, we have left disappointed in the food - for some reason they leave the food under the "kepp warm" lamp too long before serving. Last time the sauce on the food was hardened. This means that they either have finished dishes just waiting to be ordered or they are slow (very) in serving.

The same thing applies to TGIF.

I get that these restaurants servce a fixed menu and many eat there, but why not deliver up to their potential?

Probably because we, their guests, do not complain.

"The experience"
Greeted with the usual happy smiles, got the table we has almost asked for - but this was good enough. Waiter was fun, happy and attentive.

Drinks ordered and a started ordered since the rest of the gang were arrived a little later than us.
Margarita and Island Ice Tea. Maragrita was weak in taste, too sweet, god knows if there was any booze in it. But still the margarita mix (!) was present. Island Ice Tea was "better than the ones you get in Norgwegian bars"- direct quote. Chicken tenders with an extra added sauce were good thanks to the sauce, however, too deep fried to be classified as tender.

Rest of the gang in place, orders taken and a new margarita and beers servced. Now the margarita was closer to water than margarita mix.

Ceasar sallad, hamburgers and fajitas were served. Everyone seemed to lika their food. The hamburgers "fine". However, the chicken breast on the ceasars sallad was probable fried earlier that day and was dry and cold. The size - well if it hadn´t had the shape of a breast, then I would guess 1/3 of a normal sized chicken breast.The dressing was based in one area of the plate, don´t think the sallad was tossed before serving.

After dinner, a cappuccino and a last shot at the margarita. I think the house took home the money on both of them.

Usually after 3 margaritas, walking down stairs can be a challenge, trying to walk in the perfect manner. After 3 margaritas at Hard Rock, yu could easily run down the stairs.

Service: 4/5 - even the Norwegian waitresses spoke English to us, attentive waiter and good service.
Food: 4/5 - since 4 out 5 gustes ate everything on their plates. But no one dared order the ribs since they usually are wamred up and the sauce hardened.
Drinks: 2/5 - Correct (Long) Island Ice tea, margarita too watery, no booze. But the beed was beer.
Price: 2/5 - have the prices gone up? The entrees were almost the the same prices as the cheaper main courses, but the portions small.
Environment/Atmosphere: 3/5 - Everyone knows what they get at Hard Rock! But the bathroom needs another cleaning - even this early in the evening.
Location: 5/5 - perfect - down town - in the middle of most things.
Ages of guests in party: 26 - 35 and 36 - 45.

20/30 points.

The evenings activities called, so off we went.

Cru vinbar og kjøkken

Wow what a wonderful place!

We walked the dogs Friday afternoon, tripped over the entrance and looked up. It looked very inviting. Went home, called for reservations. Saturday 19:00.

Good table for 2, a little small but very cosy. When arriving you do not really know if you should go down or up the stairs...fortunately a waitress is there to look after you very shortly upon arriving. Welcoming smiles, fun mixed menu and of course the mandatory glas och champagne.

Service: 5/5 - smiles, properly attentive, knew their business, and listened to their guests/saw their needs.
Food: 4/5 - mashed potatoes to the trout had no taste compared to the vibrant trout, color and taste.
Drink: 5/5 - they knew their stuff! They even have a wine cellar on the second floor ;-)
Price: 5/5 - the prices were fitting to being able to combine your menu with the 8 different dishes.
Environment/Atmosphere: 4/5 - the seating area on the second floor was a little too lighted
Location: 5/5 - perfect - down town but quiet - perfect combination.
Age of guests in party: 35 - 45.

28/30 points.

They do not serve lunch but do have an afternoon menu between 16:00 - 18:00.

Warmly recommended, as long as there is room for a table for us!

Cru vinbar og kjøkken
Ingelbrecht Knudssøns gate 1,
Oslo, Norway

Best photo places in Oslo

With the weather getting colder, some areas of Oslo are worth a visit with your camera.

1 - Nils Juls gate - from Bygdø Alle down to Drammensveien - right hand side - a beautiful wall overground with vines, changing between green deep red and orange!

2 - Bygdø - the water front path leading by the stables to the Folke Museum.

3 - Akerselva - different views from the lake to the sea.

4 - Norwegians sitting outside at the cafe freezing - catching the last warm rays.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Going from an early 80s flat to the perfect penthouse! Holtet Entreprenørvirksomhet AS

Never thought taking down a wall would result in a penthouse. Holtet Entreprenørvirksomhet AS in Oslo made the impossible possible! With a minimum of demands from my side and a personality check from their side - the result was what I had pictured in my mind!

The service is very personal, Holtet handles each customer as if it was their own home - which is something you realize when you see the finish, the dedication and especially when you compare to your friends´ renovations :-)

We started out looking for apartments in the right places with large balconies. After one meeting at Holtet, they went with us on a Sunday to look at a potential apartment. Having an expert builder with you (free of charge!!!) felt extremely secure. After viewing the apartment - Holtet gave us an indication of the max. price for the apartment, since a total renovation was needed. Everything ended in us not buying the apartment, since the price went over the max. price if was worth in the state it was in.

A few months later, we bought a top floor apartment with a 20 sqm roof top balcony. Unfortunately the standard was early 80s...but livable. We "only" wanted to renovate the kitchen and put in a new floor in the kitchen area. Like many other apartments from the 80s in Oslo - what was found behind the walls and under the floor was not up to the standard it should have been.

Holtet jumped to the task - finding the most reasonable solution, showing us where to invest and where to find more bang fore the buck solutions. They put together everything from our new IKEA kitchen, to securing our balcony, inserting new windows and finding the perfect color for the whole apartment based on the lighting in each room. Not one room was had straight angles - but this is impossible to see today. All project management, trips together to the different supplies was free. The rebates Holtet has negotiated, we also received, allowing us to get finer flooring inside and outside. We even got automatic heat in the balcony floor in case of snow and colder autum evenings. It almost makes you wish for a test snowstorm to see it work! No snow suffling for us!

Due to late arrival, the fireplace is now being built according to our design. Well almost - Holtet put in their veto on the height and size - honest feedback, they know their stuff. Now when I see the fireplace take form - they we so right. This is what they do for a living and they do it very well! In a warm and honest way.

Our 80´s apartment is now a soothing, modern, warm and welcoming home with a beautiful balcony and a cute "wet" bar.

I sincerely recommend Holtet Entreprenørvirksomhet AS , Raschs vei 1 B, 1178 Oslo 926 85 815. They work for you, as if it was their own house.

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